Tuesday, July 24, 2007

(10:22:32 AM)
Satish Goda (satishg):
Die, I shall someday,
But shall live, my soul,
Time eternal, in raindrops and roses,
That fall on barren ground, and passed around lovers hands.

(10:23:30 AM) Anandroop: lovely
(10:23:42 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): thank you bro
(10:23:46 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): just wrote it
(10:23:58 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): :-)
(10:24:04 AM) Anandroop: we were discussing its in some techncal way the other day
(10:24:20 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): mmmm
(10:24:46 AM) Anandroop: me & alex were talking about life after death
(10:24:58 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): okay
(10:25:19 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): :)
(10:25:52 AM) Anandroop: and I argue tht considering the universe is infinite , there is no way u can go beyond it to some where else
(10:26:48 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): mmm. time has curvature
(10:26:54 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): things tends to repeat themselves
(10:27:14 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): universe is infinitely curved is my opinion.
(10:27:28 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): off the fly opinion that is :)
(10:27:41 AM) Anandroop: If it cant go out of this universe and we cant locate it on a perticular space time dimension then ithe only possibility is it spreads as infinite
(10:27:55 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): mmm
(10:28:23 AM) Anandroop: thus a soul is infinite
(10:28:45 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): yep
(10:29:37 AM) Anandroop: and as there is nobar creating infinite from infinite thus we can have infinite souls as well
(10:30:02 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): :-)
(10:31:38 AM) Anandroop: and all the part of the same whole yet infinitely capable of doing good
(10:32:01 AM) Anandroop: "Om purnamadah purnamidam purnaat purnamudachyate,
purnasya purnamadaya purnamevaavashishyate"
"That(pure consciousness) is full(perfect); this(the manifest universe ofmatter; of names and forms being maya) is full. This fullness has beenprojected from that fullness. When this fullness merges in thatfullness, all that remains is fullness."
-Peace invocation- Isa Upanishad the verse

(10:32:48 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): nice
(10:35:35 AM) Anandroop: U r amazing with words , beautiful verse, connecting everything from deep emotions to the eternal truth, sheers :)
(10:35:43 AM) Anandroop: cheers
(10:35:48 AM) Anandroop: !!!
(10:36:18 AM) Satish Goda (satishg): thank you my friend. I love to weave with words. I am still a beginner. long way to go

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Warrior of light

The Warrior of the Light views life with tenderness and determination.
He stands before a Mystery, whose solution he will one day find. Every so often, he says to himself: "This life is absolutely insane."
He is right. In surrendering to the miracle of the everyday, he notices that he cannot always foresee the consequences of his actions. Sometimes he acts without knowing that he is doing so, he saves someone without even knowing he is saving them, he suffers without even knowing why he is sad.
Yes, life is insane.
But the great Wisdom of the Warrior lies in choosing his insanity wisely.
The Warrior of the Light studies the two columns on either side of the door he is trying to open.
One is called Fear and the other is called Desire. The Warrior looks at the column of Fear and on it is written:
"You are entering a dangerous, unfamiliar world where everything you have learned up until now will prove useless."
The Warrior looks at the column of Desire and on it is written:
"You are about to leave a familiar world wherein are stored all the things you ever wanted and for which you struggled long and hard."
The Warrior smiles because nothing frightens him and nothing holds him. With the confidence of one who knows what he wants, he opens the door.
When somebody wants something, the whole Universe conspires in their favor.
The Warrior of the Light knows this.
For this reason, he takes great care with his thoughts. Hidden beneath a whole series of good intentions lie feelings that no one dares confess to himself:
Vengeance, self-destruction, guilt, fear of winning, a macabre of joy at other people's tragedies.
The Universe does not judge; it conspires in favor of what we want. That is why the Warrior has the courage to look into the dark places of his Soul in order to ensure that he is not asking for the wrong things.
And he is always very careful about what he thinks.
The Warrior knows that he is free to choose his desires, and he makes these decisions with courage, detachment, and --sometimes--with just a touch of madness.
~ The Manual of the Warrior of the Light ~
- Paul Coelho -