Monday, March 1, 2010

In Search of Truth

Truth must be one ,and the same , whether a scientist finds it or a mystic , no matter which religion explores it out or which philosopher puts it down in beautiful words ,the truth never changes, its only the method of seeking it out that might differ, Truth is very simple, only we have grown too complex , so its difficult for us to comprehend such simplicity. Let explore the paradoxes. We From our birth are dependent on our senses to view the world as we perceive it. To the ignorant , that is the truth and the entire truth. But those that use the intellect know more . Lets see how our senses betray us . Do u believe you really touch the key board while typing? now , you must be knowing that the fingers of your hands and the keyboard both consists of atoms. The actual matter in the atom is concentrated at the nucleus and a small amount in the electrons. The nuclei of your hands and the keyboard cannot come in contact since they are both positively charged and repel each other with great force, same with electrons , it takes a great deal of energy to actually clash these particles, which they do in the hadron collider, The electrons cannot touch the positively charged nuclei also for its fixed discreet orbit. Matter in your finger never touches the keyboard. its only the repulsion ( A field of energy which is non-material) force that induces a current in your nerves and which u read through your brains. Thus Sense of touch is a myth. Lets take Vision. The atom is 99.999999999 % free space ,that means what we perceive as solid objects is 99.99999999% free space. what we are seeing is the light emitted by the excited electrons that fall into a lower energy state giving off a characteristic wavelength. Thus we never see the actual matter, but its effect. We also know by Ernestine's greatest and simplest equation E=mC*C where C is the speed of light in vacuum that all that we think as matter is a manifestation of energy. Thus what was energy (immaterial) is now trapped into subatomic particles after the big bang. So senses does not give us a true picture of the reality, even though we depend so much on our senses for our daily existence. SO our belief in our sensory perceptions have become so valid and believable to us that our survival has been dictated by our senses and we completely depend on it and that's what causes the Block and the hinderence in sensing the subtle underlying truth. Those who know a little about quantum mechanics knows about the Quantum Weirdness. An electron or any particle manifests itself as a wave(immaterial) unless observed by an observer , when it reverts back to particle (material) nature. This is proved a hundred times by the double slit experiment.

That means that a conscious observer is not a separate entity but a participator in the experiment and the one responsible for giving the electron its particle nature. Thus our consciousness creates material realities .
Another known fact is that when two particles are created at the same time are entangled , which means that no matter how far we separate them in space , if we change one of the particles the other particle is immediately affected .

Since the big Bang is the instant when all subatomic particles that the universe is made of was created thus everything in the universe is thought to be entangled in modern Physics. Thus what we perceive as separate entities and separate objects are not separate at all. Even u and me are not an exception. The material in our body is linked , thus mind and the consciousness are probably not an exception either.